

I've wanted to give oils a try for ages. I love the rough blend & soft edges that oil allows. And it feels so lovely & buttery. My first efforts are small - 8x8's, and the subject matter is small too - tchotchkes that I've found around my house (most of which found its way here from my in-laws). The little donkey cart amuses me - seems like every 50's family had one. I like the piggy penny bank too & admit to slipping him into several other paintings. "Space Dog" was a childhood toy of my husband's. I gave him back his eyesight which had fallen victim to the younger brothers many years ago. I also thought he'd appreciate being put back in his natural environment - hurtling through space. He does seem to be enjoying himself. "Spacedog - Back in Orbit!" 8x8 oil on canvas

"Tchotchke (Meiji Dynasty)" 8x8 oil on canvas

"Pearls Before Swine" 8x8 oil on canvas


Anne Onni Mouse said...

Love your pics, as always; especially the Wall-E dog.

Coralie said...

Hi Morgan! Funny you should call that the Wall-E dog (a favourite movie, btw). He certainly would fit in there, but this little fella came about fifty years ahead of Wall-E! Thanks so much for your comment.